I think the most common reason should be the "cute culture". You may ask what does "cute culture" implies to? Well, let's take "すみっコぐらし" and "ぐでたま" as examples. They are my favorite comic characters, I love them!!! They are sooooooo cute! Here are two pictures of them.
Are they cute? Definitely! I really wanna know more about them and collect products that are related to them, so I want to learn Japanese.
Besides, There are some other reasons, for example, I love to take ANA's flight when I fly between China and USA, due to their gorgeous service and food during the flight. If I can speak Japanese, I could communicate with the cabin attendants easily. Moreover, I've traveled to Japan twice, it was hard for me to order my favorite meal in the restaurant or ask for help in the mall when I was shopping, since I couldn't speak Japanese. For future convenience, I choose to study Japanese.
In addition, I like television dramas, especially detective dramas (or movies or novels). Japanese detective novels are famous around the world, for example, my favorite author 東野圭吾 (Higashino Keigo). I read his novel 容疑者Xの献身 in English version, and watched the drama, but I wanna read his novels in Japanese version in the future, since I am a huge fan of detective stories.
Hope I can learn Japanese well, and achieve all the goals I mentioned above. ま〜〜 ╮(╯▽╰)╭
Picture References:
はじめまして。TAの こばやしです。 わたしも すみっこぐらしが だいすきです。かわいい~! ぐでたまちゃんは しりませんでした。そして、にほんの エアラインはいいですね。私も ANA と JALの サービスが だいすきです。ではまた。ブログを たのしみにしています。
ReplyDeleteわたしのかのじょも容疑者Xの献身がすきです!チェンさんはほかに(other than that)なんのしょうせつをよみますか?